AB structure

AB Structure

Spring Break Trips:

Our week long spring break trips are offered to a selective number of participants. The commitment level that we expects from our participants span the whole year consisting of the following:

  • Pre-trip meetings​
  • Fundraiser
  • Pre-service Trip
  • Spring Break Trip
  • Post-service Trip
  • All AB Meetings
  • AB Banquet

Every service trip consists of 10-12 individuals:

  • 1-2 Site Leaders:
    • The site leaders are in charge of planning and dealing with the logistics of the service trips, as well as leading weekly educational meetings to ensure that their team is informed of the social issue and the country that they will be going to.​
  • 8-10 Participants:
    • UCLA undergraduate student participants provide the team with different perspectives and thus help to carry out the service projects on the trip; they are the backbone of Alternative Breaks.
  • A day on AB trip: Late-night bonding, Reflection, Discussion, Sightseeing, Info sessions, Dining, Direct Service