
Our Disability projects focus on facilitating equitable opportunities, lifelong friendships, and resource accessibility for their service recipients. Below is a list of our Disability projects.

Special Olympics

Special Olympics at UCLA has served throughout the past four decades as one of the premier organizations on campus for people with intellectual disabilities. Each week we bring athletes from around the city to our campus, creating a safe, inclusive environment that promotes growth both personally and on a team level. Through both practices and tournaments, we form meaningful relationships with athletes: supporting them emotionally, fostering healthy lifestyles, and working to end negative stigmas.

UCLA Special Olympics

Learn more here.

Best Buddies at UCLA

Best Buddies at UCLA is the UCLA chapter of an international organization dedicated to creating more inclusion and acceptance for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Best Buddies UCLA is a friendship chapter, focusing on spreading inclusion through one-to-one friendships.

Learn more here.